Friday, February 12, 2010

Sam Storms and Adrian Warnock on being a Reformed Charismatic

Great interview and Wisdom from a couple of wise men of God on bringing together two camps of Christianity that haven’t always seen eye to eye.

Or put it more simply, seeing what the Bible sais about it!!!

Sam Storms On Pastoring As A Reformed Charismatic from Adrian Warnock on Vimeo.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Hope in Loss

I just came across this on the Internet. In 2005 the daughter in law of Wayne Grudem, who is a wonderful bible scholar (Wayne that is), was killed instantly in a car crash after just 3 months of marriage to Alex Grudem, Wayne’s son. The link below is a recording of the funeral service. Now this may seem awful that they published this but having just listened to three of the small MP3’s it is not. Listen first to Wayne Grudems message, then to Alex Grudems Thoughts and finally John Pipers message.

It is painful to hear it, especially if you have suffered loss yourself that is not yet worked through. It will break into your heart and outpour in tears or you don’t have a heart. But the hope in the midst of grief and sorrow in these messages is staggering. This is real Christians working out their salvation in a fallen world and holding fast to the promises of God in scripture. Clinging to the Hope to which we are called as followers of Jesus Christ.


May God be your strength in the depth of your sorrow and lift your eyes to see the glorious future that is available for those that Love Christ.